C.O.P.S. scholarships provide financial assistance to surviving children and to surviving spouses of law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty, according to C.O.P.S. criteria, who wish to pursue a course of study beyond high school. Scholarships are not awarded to survivors who are entitled to a tuition-free education as a state death benefit.
Applicants seeking financial assistance for education purposes are limited to the receipt of not more than $1,500 per semester, and total scholarship awards shall not exceed $12,000 maximum lifetime.
C.O.P.S. scholarships are awarded three times annually: Fall semester (begins late August or early September), Winter/Spring semester (begins late December or early January), and Summer semester (begins May or June). A completed application is required for consideration for each semester, and the awarding of a scholarship for any one semester does not guarantee a scholarship for any future semesters.
Scholarship recipients are determined by an independent Scholarship Committee drawn from the outside community and comprised of persons knowledgeable about education and the law enforcement profession. The National Board of C.O.P.S. determines the amount of funding that will be set aside for educational scholarships each year.
Scholarships are paid directly to the institution of higher learning on behalf of the scholarship recipient and may be expended only for tuition, required texts, and associated fees (not room and board charges). Any unused amount is returned to C.O.P.S.
Correo: PO Box 3199 - Camdenton, MO 65020 Físico: 846 Old South 5 - Camdenton, MO 65020 Teléfono: 573-346-4911 Correo electrónico: cops@nationalcops.org
COPS es un 501 (c) (3)
COPS es una organización sin fines de lucro 501 (c) (3). Los programas y servicios de COPS están financiados por subvenciones y donaciones.