Scholarship Program

Deadlines for submission of Scholarship Application: No late or incomplete applications shall be accepted after the deadline for each semester.

Summer Semester: April 1st

Fall Semester: June 1st

Winter/Spring Semester: October 1st

Scholarship Program

C.O.P.S. scholarships provide financial assistance to surviving children and to surviving spouses of law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty, according to C.O.P.S. scholarship criteria, who wish to pursue a course of study beyond high school. (types of higher education include students enrolled in under-graduate and post-graduate studies at an accredited college or university, or enrolled at an accredited trade/vocational school.)

** Surviving children and spouses shall be eligible provided the survivor is not entitled to a tuition-free education as a state death benefit. If an eligible survivor applies for a state benefit and is denied, the survivor will then become eligible for a C.O.P.S. scholarship. **

How much is our Scholarship?

C.O.P.S. Scholarship recipients are eligible to receive up to $2,000.00 per semester, with a lifetime maximum amount not to exceed $16,000.00

When should students apply?

Applicants should apply for assistance using the process listed below for EACH semester they are wishing to be considered.

What does C.O.P.S. need from you?

To be considered for the C.O.P.S. Scholarship, students will need to complete the following:

  -Complete the C.O.P.S. Scholarship application.

  -Provide ALL required documentation on the application.

When will you hear from us?

Our scholarship committee will meet 1-2 weeks after the scholarship deadline to go over the applications we have received. It is always our goal to notify students the decision of their application and have funds sent to your respective schools within 45 days after the application deadline.

If we have any questions, we will be reaching out to you. Please make sure to provide C.O.P.S. with a correct phone number and email and be sure to monitor that regularly so we are able to move forward with applications submitted.

C.O.P.S. is able to provide scholarships to survivors because of the generous donations given by many donors. In an effort to show them the impact they have, please take a moment to fill out the survey linked below. This also helps to provide our board and staff with feedback on how we can improve the scholarship experience and increase our efforts in supporting you. Thank you!

If you would like to review our Scholarship Criteria further, you can read our Standard Operating Procedure by clicking HERE.

Scholarship Application

Click To Apply

Scholarship Survey

Take The Survey!

C.O.P.S. Scholarship Program Top Sponsors

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