Here you can choose a one time contribution or set up a recurring donation based on your giving preferences.
To donate by mail, simply click the icon to download the form, print it, and mail the completed donor form.
To donate to Concerns of Police Survivors by phone, call (573) 346-4911.
Federal, military and postal employees can contribute to C.O.P.S. through the Combined Federal Campaign. C.O.P.S. is #11183 in the CFC. Click the icon for more information.
Many companies offer payroll deduction options for supporting you charity of choice, and some will even match your gift.
Should you wish to honor law enforcement and assist C.O.P.S. in our mission to help rebuild the shattered lives of families and co-workers of officers who died in the line of duty, planning ahead in terms of your estate is one way this can be accomplished.
C.O.P.S. accepts in-kind donations all types (( i.e. product, merchandise, et). C.O.P.S. uses these items to promote our events through raffles, silent auctions, and survivor gifts.
Whether you’re a Fortune 500 company, a small business owner, or professional organization, your partnership can help us achieve our goal: rebuilding shattered lives. Click to download our sponsorship booklet.
From school and workplace fundraisers to fitness fundraisers like golf tournaments, walks and runs, motorcycle rodeos, and poker tournaments, to a cross-country bike trek and fishing tournaments, groups of people all across the country raise funds to help C.O.P.S.
We partner with Vehicles for Charity to process our vehicle donations.
Vehicles for Charity accepts automobiles, trucks, vans, recreational vehicles, motorcycles, dirt bikes, tractors, boats, and trailers. Click to learn more.
Donate to C.O.P.S. using your PayPal account.
Survivor Weekends and Camps Sponsors
Conference & Training Sponsors