C.O.P.S. Special Events provide survivors, law enforcement officers, and their communities the opportunity to come together and support C.O.P.S. These Special Events are planned to promote awareness, provide peer support, and raise money to help C.O.P.S. continue its mission to rebuild the shattered lives of survivors whose loved one died in the line of duty.
Raffle entries for purchase to be entered to win a donated firearm each month. Drawings will held on the 28th of each month starting April 28th.
Try your luck in the Lucky Ladder Drop! 500 numbered balls will be dropped from the top of Mid-County’s fire truck ladder at C.O.P.S. The 3 balls that land the closest to the target takes home the grand prize. The prize is a 50/50 split between the 3 winners of the drop and C.O.P.S.
Survivor Weekends and Camps Sponsors
Conference & Training Sponsors