C.O.P.S. National Board

Connie Moyer

National President

Surviving Spouse of Lancaster (OH) Police Department

Patrolman M. Scott Moyer, EOW 5/26/2017

The National President has the responsibility to make sure that the directions from the National Board are followed by the Executive Director and the Executive Director performs his/her function according to the job description.

Patricia Carruth

Immediate Past President

Surviving Mother of Alexandria (LA) Police Department Officer Jeremy "Jay" Carruth, EOW 2/20/2003

The Immediate Past President shall be the President immediately preceding the current National President.

Dianne Bernhard
Executive Director

Surviving Co-Worker of Columbia (MO) Police Department

Officer Molly S. Thomas-Bowden, EOW 2/10/2005

The Executive Director is responsible for fulfilling the mission, providing leadership, overseeing the functions of the organization, strategizing for future growth, and operating Concerns of Police Survivor under the direction of the National Board.

Jeff Hancher

Atlantic Region Trustee

Surviving Father of Myrtle Beach (SC) Police Department Officer Jacob W. Hancher, EOW 10/3/2020

Trustee for the states of Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Washington, D.C.

Staci Brakhage
Central Plains Region Trustee

Surviving Sibling of Riverside (MO) Police Department

Master Patrolman Jeff Taylor, EOW 6/3/2011

Trustee for the states of North Dakota, Minnesota, South Dakota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, and Missouri.
Andrea Arrington
Midwest Region Trustee

Surviving Sibling of Detroit (MI) Police Department

Officer Scott Stewart, EOW 8/11/2002

Trustee for the states of Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky and West Virginia.
Kyle McCallister

Northeast Region Trustee

Surviving Grandson of Somerset (MA) Police Department

Patrolman Roy L. Stout, EOW 05/15/1972

Trustee for the states of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, New York, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

Debbie Jacobs

Northwest Region Trustee

Surviving Adult Child of Spokane (WA) Police Department

Detective Brian F. Orchard, EOW 7/20/1983

Trustee for the states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, and Alaska.

Dave Wallace
South Central Region Trustee

Surviving Sibling of Stanislaus County (CA) Sheriff's Office

Deputy Sheriff Dennis Wallace, EOW 11/13/2016

Trustee for the states of Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Alabama.

Virginia Coates Ricks
Southeast Region Trustee

Surviving Spouse of Orange County (FL) Sheriff's Office

Deputy First Class Brandon L. Coates, EOW 12/8/2010

Trustee for the states of Georgia, Florida, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.
Cathy Hobbs
Southwest Region Trustee

Surviving Spouse of Phoenix (AZ) Police Detective John Hobbs, EOW 3/3/2014

Trustee for the states of California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Hawaii, and the Mariana Islands.
Dani Story-Stinson
Western Region Trustee

Surviving Spouse of Arlington (TX) Police Department

Officer Craig Story, EOW 1/13/2010

Trustee for the states of Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas.
Suzie Sawyer
Executive Director Emeritus
The Executive Director Emeritus shall serve on the C.O.P.S. Past Leadership Committee and serve as the liaison between the Past Leadership Committee and the C.O.P.S. National Board.
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