C.O.P.S. Hands-On Programs Cancellation Policy

Cancellations may be made by calling the Programs Department at the National Office, or in writing, conventional mail or emails acceptable.

Participants who fail to cancel before the program start date without providing documentation of the extenuating or mitigating circumstances will be subject to the following terms:

First Occurrence:

  • C.O.P.S. will require an initial security deposit of $150 before their registration is accepted for their next eligible HOP.
  • After receipt of this deposit, C.O.P.S. will register the survivor.
  • Once the participant has completed the program, they will receive their deposit back.
  • If the survivor does not attend that program, C.O.P.S. will not return the security deposit to the survivor.                                                                     

All Other Occurrences:

  • C.O.P.S. will require an initial security deposit of $300 before their registration is accepted for their next eligible HOP.
  • After receipt of this deposit, C.O.P.S. will register the survivor.
  • Once the participant has completed the program, they will receive 50% of their deposit back.
  • If the survivor does not attend that program, C.O.P.S. will not return any of the deposit to the survivor.

This information is explained in C.O.P.S. Standard Operating Procedure 13.0. To see a full copy of this document, please reach out to Blair_Sien@nationalcops.org.

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