Entwurf überarbeitet:
In 1982, I manufactured a modern duty gun to equip the Austrian military and police. It was the beginning of a new era and the beginning of Glock Perfection. Four years later, I brought my product to America. It was my intention that the United States law enforcement personnel have this special gun to protect and serve their neighborhoods at best.
Since that time, we have made it our focus to support our peace officers throughout the world, especially the United States. It is one of Glock’s basic principles to care for police officers, because anyone willing to leave their loved ones to confront the evil in this world deserves our unconditional support. Respect and thanks for your commitment!
I would also like to say thank you to all families of those officers that still protect us; especially those that have given the ultimate sacrifice. I know words can never replace the hurt that you feel.
I will continue to support our enforcers of law that protect and serve. GLOCK will remain by your side, regardless. I asked for God to continue to bless those that serve and their families.
Thank you,
Gaston Glock
Survivor Weekends and Camps Sponsors
Conference & Training Sponsors