Fiancés & Significant Others Weekend
August 15 - 18, 2025
Registration Deadline: July 15, 2025
Fiancés & Significant Others Weekend is planned for surviving fiancés and significant others (21 years or older) of law enforcement officers who died in the line of duty, according to C.O.P.S. criteria. Other relatives and friends are not eligible to attend.
Testimonial from a 2024 Fiances & Significant Others Weekend Attendee:
“I remember my first year attending and feeling very helpless and like there was no hope, But meeting people who have been in similar situations gave me hope I would be okay.”
What to Expect
Surviving fiancés, significant others, and life partners face the heart-wrenching reality that their envisioned future has been altered by the loss of their loved one. The emotional toll of missed opportunities and feelings of insignificance can be overwhelming. This weekend will equip you with the resources needed to assist you with your grief.
This weekend offers a unique opportunity to connect with others who share similar experiences, cultivating a sense of understanding and community. Licensed mental health professionals will be on hand to provide group sessions and optional individual counseling, as needed, ensuring you receive the necessary support to help you continue on your grief journey. Support sessions are coupled with wellness activities, giving you the chance to challenge yourself and connect with others. With the peaceful escape from daily life this weekend offers, we hope you will leave with a renewed sense of personal growth and a strong network of support as you learn to cope with the profound, sudden, changes in your life. For a detailed schedule of events, please
click here to view our sample agenda for the weekend.
What is the Cost of the Weekend?
Your only expense is your travel to and from the St. Louis Airport if you are flying or to and from the YMCA Trout Lodge if you are driving. All lodging, meals and activities are provided at no cost. If you fail to cancel your attendance and you do not show up for the weekend, you could be subject to a participation fee for the following year’s weekend.
Session Examples:
Travel Information
If you are flying: You should plan to arrive at St. Louis Lambert Airport (STL) between 9:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. on Friday, August 15. You will be met by a C.O.P.S. representative at the airport and transported to the YMCA Trout Lodge by bus. You will be transported back to the St. Louis Airport on Monday, August 18, by 11:30 a.m. Please be sure your return flight is AFTER 12:30 p.m. to allow time for check-in and security checks.
If you are driving: You will need to arrive at the YMCA Trout Lodge by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, August 15, and stay through breakfast on Monday, August 18. Meals and activities are planned; no late arrivals or early departures please.
Limited travel assistance may be available. Contact your
local C.O.P.S. Chapter or contact the C.O.P.S. National Office for additional information.
Please Note: This program is held at a YMCA facility. All YMCA facilities are required to screen guests through the Raptor sex offender registry. Your information will be shared with the YMCA Trout Lodge (First Name, Last Name, and DOB) and checked in the national sex offender database. If you have questions about this information, please contact the Services Department at 573-346-4911.
Survivor Weekends and Camps Sponsors
Conference & Training Sponsors